My Zimbio Zhu Zhu pets - Bring a new electronic pet home!: zhu zhu pets for dummies (or parents)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

zhu zhu pets for dummies (or parents)

Zhu zhu pets, you have probably heard this word from your kids or maybe in the news. People got crazy at Christmas 2009 and it was pretty much impossible to find them anywhere. They were selling for 10 times their original prices on ebay and people were waiting in line at the toys stores just to get this $15 gift.

You were probably thinking that all the hype about zhu zhu pets would be probably over by January 2010. Guess you are wrong, zhu zhu pets are still there and they are doing better and better. In fact the company that launched the toy in 2009 is releasing new zhu zhu characters every 6 weeks. They are now becoming collectible and there is a high probability that your kids ask for an electronic friend for his birthday or for Christmas.

So let’s try to explain in an easy way. there are several zhu zhu pets categories:


-Originally, there were 4 zhu zhu pets: Chunk, PipSqueak, Mr. Squiggles and Num Nums. They were the most wanted toy at Christmas 2009.


- in 2010, they release a new line called rockstar. This includes Pax, Kingston, Rider, and Roxi (the names are inspired by the children of celebrities). They are the first long haired hamster with attitude.

kung zhu pets

- Mid 2010, they develop a new line aimed at boys that they called kung zhu pets. This new line includes Special Forces pets battling ninja warrior’s pets.  They are like the G.I Joe of the zhu zhu pets.


- End 2010, they focused on a new line for girls and releases the zhu zhu princess series. This was a huge success with little girls.

zhu zhu babies

- The family was not complete without a baby. End 2010, they also release the first edition of zhu zhu babies. These toys are not electronic like others zhu zhu pets and they are not plush. They are made of plastic and articulated with a small ball under their tummy.

zhu zhu babies 2nd edition

- In 2011 came the second edition of zhu zhu babies. This new line includes motors and the ‘babies’ are now able to move.

zhu zhu puppies

- Zhu zhu puppies were also introduced in 2011. These toys are not hamster anymore but dog puppies those bark and move around.

kung zhu samurai

- in 2011, they added the samurai hamster to the existing kung zhu line.

wild bunch

- Wild bunch collection was also released in 2011. The company decided to extend the brand by releasing new type of pets. They now have skunk (stinker), hedgehog (rocco), raccoon (zuzhu) and bunny (sweetie).  They are like the zhu zhu pets hamster: motorized with an artificial intelligence.

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